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Workshop with Donna Morrissey, International Award Winner Author




Are you or your character smiling, even when things aren't good? maintain hope when tossed into situations of conflict, judgement, violence? How dominant is your Innocent Archetype and how does it play out in your personal behaviors or your characters?


Does it feel like the world is always against you or your character? have to fight for everything? How do you portray Orphan Archetype in writing?bring about healing in you or your character?


This intensive five -hour workshop will help you:

✔ Learn to write authentic Characters in Fiction, Memoir.

✔ Or, simply learn about your self and people around you.

✔ Learn what Archetypes are, specifically: Innocent, Orphan, Warrior, Caregiver

✔ Identify which Archetypes dominate our Personality or our Character's Personality.

✔ Map the growth of our Characters or our own Personality from birth up to present time.

✔ Learn how to be the Hero in our own story.


Designed for:  Memoir, Fiction, and NON-writers. 
Beginners Welcome


 July 23 Sunday.  10:am – 3:30pm  Fee: 95.00
Location: Bonar Law Common Museum, Rexton, NB

31 Bonar Law Ave, Rexton, NB E4W 1V6

Bring doggie bag for lunch.  Coffee/tea supplied.
 Register by email!





"Your workshop was for me transformative:  just what you want a Hero's Journey to be. I mean it changed me, however significantly or slightly, in how I see myself and the world." 
Lee Shane, Writer, Wellness Advocate & Educator, Program Lead & Certified Wellness Inventory Facilitator







Donna Morrissey will be performing at the Sojourner Literary Festival
Bonar Law Common Rexton, NB  Saturday evening at the Main Event
catch her there!


** "Special note: Donna's workshop is not affiliated with out festival due to its time length.
It is an amazing workshop don't miss it!", Donna Allard Founder SLF

SOJOURNER LITERARY FESTIVAL© 2016-2017-2020 Donna Allard. All Rights Reserved. 

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