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They call Harris Sullivan, “The Bongo Poet”. That’s because he plays bongo drums to spice up his public readings from his two books of poems. A native of Richibucto, the retired award-winning journalist has been on the spoken word trail for five years. His material is all over the map—love poems, sex poems, scathing comments about social issues, reflections of his parents and a lot of humour. His poems generally rhyme—Harris thinks of them as songs and he does sing some of them in his readings, which certainly makes him one of the unique spoken word poets in this region.



Kathleen McConnell, Kathy Mac to the rest of us! Dr. McConnell teaches Creative Writing, required first and second year courses, and Canadian Poetry. Her creative work includes two published collections of poetry. Her recent scholarship focuses on contemporary Atlantic Canadian poetry, while in the past she has studied the gothic elements of popular culture texts like Twilight, Catwoman and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She was also a nominee for the GG's.







George Griffin is an impressive new poetic voice. The seeds of his first book, “A Little House on No. 3 Hill,” were firmly planted after meeting with award winning author Donna Morrissey. He will be having a book signing at O’Leary’s and will also be sharing his poetry with us at the festival. One of his poems was selected recently for the literary review, 'Galleon.'








Richard Doiron Published 52 years. Author of 18 books. Work read at UN. Published alongside the Dalai Lama twice by invitation. 2012 World Poetry Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Estimated 1000 poems published to date. Participant in national and international literary festivals, including the Northrop Frye Festival. Graduate in journalism and Certified Lifeskills Coach.











Gilles Leblanc is originally from Memramcook, now living in Shediac. He has 28 of his texts (lyrics) that are published on CD's by various artists / songwriters registered with SOCAN. He is presently working with a company called 'Imagine' that produces new talents.






Donna Allard also known as AcadianRose. She served on Board of Directors for the Canadian Poetry Association, and National Milton Acorn Festival. She is Honorary Member Canada Cuba Literary Alliance. “None of this, however, should make us forget that she is a great poet in her own right, with her own unmistakable style. There is an evocative and haunting quality to her words from a brew of lively dark metaphors and images that leaves delicious impressions on the reader’s mind.” editor Pierre Beaumier POEMATA.




P. John Burden is a visual artist (Back in the Dark Ages). Classically trained by Henry Wilkinson, Rodney Burn, and Robin Guthrie at City and Guilds, London, U.K. Various awards and rare Certificate of Exceptional Merit (the last). Exhibited regularly at Royal Academy, Painters & Etchers etc. He has pictures and pieces in collections worldwide. “Boring people do not like my work.” Official Website:







Peter Beaumier won first prize for his poem “Mule” last April in the third annual FogLit poetry contest in Saint John. The poem will be published in the next FogLit Journal. He earned his MA in English Literature from the University of Windsor 2012. Previously on the editorial board for the Canadian Poetry Association magazine, 'POEMATA'.





Barbara Quigley "...a tough cookie" with the fight of the Irish in her. An activist, paralegal & caring mother of six. She is very passionate about writing.







Rhonda Burley Studied History & English at UNB. Old fashioned values with a strong independent streak. Rhonda will be reading from her favorite authors Robert Frost and Howard Pyle.










Sponsors in conjunction with the 46th Richibucto Scallop / Pétoncle Festival


Big THANK YOU to all the poets, writers, readers, P. John Burden,

O'Leary Art Cafe, Scallop Festival Committee,

Big Rig Boyz Rum Runner Classic, Open Doors, River Bones Press, 

 ALLARD FAMILY ESTATE & volunteers that make a festival great!

You are all diamonds in a world of coal...

Donna Allard







SOJOURNER LITERARY FESTIVAL© 2016-2017-2020 Donna Allard. All Rights Reserved. 

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